
Yanzhen (Nelson) Xiang

About Me

Hi! My name is Yanzhen (Nelson) Xiang, a second-year Master student at D-MAVT, ETH Zürich, studying in the Robotics, Systems and Control program. I graduated from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Robotics Engineering in 2022, and my advisor was Prof. Chenglong Fu. During the spring of 2022, I studied as an exchange student at EECS, UC Berkeley and researched at the Hybrid Robotics Lab, advised by Prof. Koushil Sreenath. My current research interests lie at the intersection of reinforcement learning, probabilistic planning, and optimal control, with their applications to robotics systems. Aside from robotics, I am a lover of reading and playing badminton.
Please feel free to reach out to me via: xyz000327@gmail.com if there's anything interesting to you.



Creating a Dynamic Quadrupedal Robotic Goalkeeper with Reinforcement Learning, Xiaoyu Huang, Zhongyu Li, Yanzhen Xiang, Yiming Ni, Yufeng Chi, Yunhao Li, Lizhi Yang, Xue Bin Peng and Koushil Sreenath. (pdf)


Powered Super Tail: A Terrain-Adaptive Wheel-legged Robotic Limb to Assist Human’s Load Carriage, Yanzhen Xiang, Xiaoyu Yan, Hanqi Su, Nuo Chen, Shangkun Guo, Jielin Wu, Yuquan Leng and Chenglong Fu. (M2VIP 2021) (pdf)

Wheel-Legged Robotic Limb to Assist Human With Load Carriage: An Application For Environmental Disinfection During COVID-19, Yuquan Leng, Xin Lin, Guan Huang, Ming Hao, Jing Wu, Yanzhen Xiang, Kuangen Zhang and Chenglong Fu. (IEEE RA-L) (pdf)



Quadrupedal Robotic Goalkeeper


Powered Super Tail


3-DoF Delta Robot


Undergraduate Level (@ SUSTech)

  C/C++ Program Design

  Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics

  Signals and Systems

  Fundamentals of Control Engineering

  Fundamentals of Mechanical Design

  Robot Operating System

  Robot Modeling and Control

  Modern Control and Estimation

  Embedded System and Robotics

  Fundamentals of Engineering Optimization

  Advanced Actuation for Robotics

  Machine Learning for Engineering

Graduate Level (@ ETH Zürich)


  Linear System Theory

  Introduction to Machine Learning

  Model Predictive Control

  Planning and Decision Making for Autonomous Robot

  Computer Vision

  Computational Control

  Recursive Estimation